The Mangrove Life - Session 5 (Project Presentation)
Today’s session was all about our inquiries and projects. To reiterate, our inquiry questions were: Can mangrove plants be grown in garden soil? What is the relation between salinity and growth in mangrove plants? For our first inquiry question - can mangrove plants be grown in garden soil, we found that they can. Salinity is not necessary to the growth of the plant. For our second question - what is the relationship between salinity and growth in mangrove plants, we found that we would need more time for the plants to grow enough for us to give an answer. Then, we presented our projects: Mangrove Adaptations (ppt) And our second project, a film voiced by Mario and Constancio from Std. 9 Mangroves and Climate Resilience (stills from the film) This marked the end of our very informative journey with The Mangrove Life Programme with Pikiji Learning, Australia and The Pomegranate Workshop.